Fruits You Can Give Your Dog

Dogs are omnivores that can benefit from having fruits and veggies in their diet. Even wolves eat plant-matter in their diets. But this doesn’t mean that every fruit or vegetable is good for your dog. It is important to know what is safe and what can be harmful. Also, remember to take into accountant your dog’s size, so you do not overfeed them. A tiny Yorkie is not going to need to eat a whole apple! If you are thinking about adding nutrients to your dog’s diet, or are looking for a healthy treat option, here are some fruits you can give your dog.
Many dogs love a nice slice of apple! They are high in antioxidants and fibre. Just be sure to core the apple and remove the seeds.
Cranberries are a great treat for your dog, especially if they are prone to urinary tract infections, as they help with urinary tract health. They are high in vitamins C, K, and E, and are high in fibre and manganese. You can feed your dog cranberries that are fresh or frozen, just make sure they are unsweetened.
A powerful antioxidant, blueberries are an excellent treat for your dog, and most love them! Like cranberries, they are a good source of vitamins K and C, as well as fibre and manganese.
Bananas have a lot of good nutrients, including potassium, biotin, fibre, copper and vitamin B. However, they are a sugary fruit, so they should definitely be fed in small amounts as a treat versus part of your dog’s daily diet.
Most dogs love pumpkin and it can be great for helping with digestive issues, including diarrhea and constipation. It’s low in fat and helps with urinary tract health.
Pomegranates are full of antioxidants and do not have too many calories (a bit more than an apple). To feed to your dog, remove the seeds from the skin. The seeds are a great topper to your dog’s dry food.
Full of vitamins A, C, E, B6, potassium, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, mango is a great treat for your dog. Like bananas, they are higher in sugar so should not be fed every day. Remove the seed before feeding mango to your dog.
Strawberries are fine for dogs and have an interesting benefit: They contain an enzyme that may help whiten your dog’s teeth! They also contain fibre, omega-3, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and vitamins C, B1, B6 and K.
Like mangoes, be sure to remove the pit before feeding pear to your dog. They are high in copper, vitamins C and K and fibre. They may even help reduce the risk of strokes. They are lower in sugar than some fruits.
This yummy little fruit contains vitamin C and potassium as well as antioxidants. Kiwis may help prevent cancer, strengthen the immune system and even help rejuvenate cells. They are also low in calories.
Pineapple can help with your dog’s digestion and immune system. They also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals your dog needs including fibre, iron and magnesium. However, they also contain quite a bit of sugar, so they should be fed sparingly. Be sure to not feed your dog the leaves, core, or the hard rind.
Some dogs may not like the strong flavour of the orange, but if your dog does, it’s fine to feed in moderation! Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, fibre and potassium. Be sure to remove the peel, seeds, leaves and stem as they all contain oils that are toxic.
Remember moderation is key when feeding your dog! Too much of a good thing can be bad, so it’s best to be conservative when adding things like fruit to your dog’s diet and take into account your dog’s size. If you are unsure about how much of a particular fruit your dog can have in a day, ask your vet. Decrease the amount or stop if your dog has trouble like diarrhea or vomiting. Dogs have allergies just like we do, so you may find your dog cannot handle every fruit on this list. You can feed any of these fresh or frozen (great for hot summer days!), just make sure they can’t choke on any frozen pieces. Avoid canned fruit that has added sugar or is in a syrup.
At the end of the day, fruit is a great treat you can share with your dog, so grab your favourites and enjoy together.