Is fat a good thing for your dog?

All pet owners want their dogs to stay healthy and happy, which is why it is important to understand what kind of diet is best for your dog. Although humans should avoid a high-fat diet to stay healthy, dogs need a high-fat diet to maintain optimal health. In fact, dogs need a high-fat diet because fat is a critical nutrient for them. While humans can experience health issues from eating a high-fat diet, dogs may suffer from a variety of health problems when they do not get an ample amount of fat in their diet.
Fat is a macronutrient that is essential for dogs because it is a source of energy that keeps them active. Fat also helps dogs fight infections and diseases because it boosts their overall immune regulation. When dogs have enough fat in their diets, it can help prevent dehydration because fat is a metabolic source of water. When you think of a human diet, it is recommended to eat a diet that is low in fat to prevent obesity and other health problems, but a high fat diet in dogs will keep them strong and healthy. Although it is important to note that overfeeding any type of dog food will make your dog fat, high-fat dog foods are no different. It is up to you, as the primary caregiver, to regulate your dog’s food intake to match the energy level and condition of your dog. Nutrition expert Steve Brown says that feeding properly balanced fats can improve your dog’s health and even his mental abilities and behavior.
Health Issues that May Occur When a Dog Does Not Have Enough Fat
It is imperative that dogs are provided with enough fat in their diets to prevent health issues. Canines rely on fat to provide them with energy, and they also need fat for cells, nerves, muscles, and body tissues to develop normally. Dogs also need fat to produce prostaglandins, which are substances that are similar to hormones that help to fight and reduce inflammation. It is crucial to provide your dog with food that is high in fat and protein.
If dogs do not have enough fat in their diets, then it can cause health problems, including itchy skin, a dry and dull coat, and a weakened immune system. If you notice any of these problems, then the food you are feeding may not be providing your dog with enough fat.
The Role that Fat Plays for Your Dog
There are many reasons to provide your dog with the proper amount of fat. Fat plays an important role in your canine companion’s diet. When dogs are given enough fat, it aids with proper digestion and promotes the absorption of important fat-soluble vitamins, which include A, D, E, and K.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for keeping your dog healthy. Vitamin A is stored in fat cells, which are mostly stored in the liver. Vitamin A plays an important role in vision and other bodily functions. When dogs do not have enough Vitamin A, then it can cause poor night vision, slowed growth, reproductive problems, and skin problems. Lack of Vitamin A can also lead to hydrocephalus, which is “water on the brain,” leading to an accumulation of fluid in the skull. Hydrocephalus causes pressure on the brain, which can lead to seizures, behavioral disorders, and blindness.
Vitamin D
Although humans can get Vitamin D through the sun, dogs are not able to get an adequate amount of Vitamin D from sunshine. Vitamin D is vital for dogs to stay healthy because it regulates calcium and phosphorous levels in the bloodstream. Vitamin D deficiency in dogs can lead to rickets, which is bone demineralization. Vitamin D is also essential for skeletal development, muscle control, and proper nerve function.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is vital for cell respiration, metabolism of fats, development of cells, and protecting hormones from oxidation. If dogs are not provided with enough Vitamin E, it can lead to cell damage. Furthermore, lack of Vitamin E can also cause issues with muscles, heart, liver, and nerves. Dogs that are not given enough Vitamin E may develop a condition known as Brown Bowel Syndrome, which causes bowels to hemorrhage and ulcerate and cause damage to the eyes and testes.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K plays an important role in a dog’s health. Vitamin K is essential for maintaining strong teeth and bone density. When dogs are provided with the proper amount of Vitamin K, it can prevent fractures. Furthermore, there have been studies that have shown Vitamin K can prevent the development of certain types of cancer.
Fat as an Energy Source
Fat is an important energy source for canines. In fact, fat is better than carbohydrates for dogs because it provides dogs with 2.4 times more energy than protein or carbohydrates. The metabolism of fat proves the best way to generate energy for active dogs. If your dog is not provided with enough fat, then your canine friend may feel drained and not want to exercise. It is important to be sure your dog has enough exercise to stay healthy, which can be difficult if your dog lacks energy due to a diet that does not have enough fat.
The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog a Diet High in Fat
There are many benefits to feeding your dog a high-fat diet, but what is considered “high fat?” The optimal range for fat levels in your dog’s diet is between 16-20%. This balance will provide the energy that dogs need to remain their active, loving selves. Fats are the body’s most essential fuel. If your canine companion does not have enough fat, then he or she will not have enough energy to stay active, which is an important part to staying healthy.
Fats also provide dogs with the essential nutrients, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are vital for your dog’s skin, coat, immune system, brain and eye function and more. If a dog does not have the right amount of these essential fatty acids, then he or she can develop immune deficiencies that can lead to illness and visible conditions like a dull coat, itching, and skin rashes.
Your dog also needs fat to maintain a strong immune system. Immune regulation helps your pup fight diseases and aids in cellular function. Fat also contains the important vitamins that are needed to keep your dog healthy and happy. If a dog has a vitamin deficiency, then it can cause serious health problems to develop. We all want our canine friends to stay healthy and live happily, which is why it is vital to select a food source that is high in fat. A dog is a member of the family, too, so be sure to provide him or her with everything they need to live a long and healthy life.
Looking for a food that offers the right amount of fat for your dog? Check out our bestselling grain-free dog food to make sure your pup lives a long and healthy life. If you are already a loyal fan, please share this information with a friend!