Don’t take it from us…

As dog owners, we all want our dogs feeling great with plenty of energy. When dogs are puppies, they are filled with energy and it isn’t hard to keep them active. Over time, we may not notice how our dog’s energy decreases, which is caused by age. If your dog is getting older, then there are ways to keep them energized and active.
The Importance of Diet
When it comes to energy levels in dogs, diet plays a huge role. Just the same as humans who eat healthy, a dog with a healthy diet has plenty of energy to stay active.
Ingredients to Keep Your Dog Active
If you want to keep your dog active and healthy, then there are key ingredients that promote increased energy levels. It is important to provide your dog with a diet that is relatively high in fat and protein. Although humans are advised not to eat a diet high in fat, a animal high-fat diet is essential for maintaining energy in dogs.
But don’t take it from us. Read the stories from some of our loyal fans who made the switch to Stay Loyal dog food and saw amazing results:
“I have been meaning to email to say the food has been a huge success. We have a yellow Lab and were starting to notice she was getting picky with her food and was always pooing. As soon as we started her on Stay Loyal she had better bowel movements and lost some weight as well as gaining energy. Stay Loyal was recommended to me by my uncle who is one of your happy customers as well.”
-Jo Pellegrini, Greenwith, SA
“I had been feeding another product to my 9 1/2 month old Smithfield Cattledog x Kelpie her entire life. After further research I thought Stay Loyal would fit mine and my dogs requirements the best. I don’t mind paying more for better quality etc but I don’t just blindly get the most expensive believing that is the be all and end all, I am also very passionate about supporting Australian companies where possible.
My only regret now is that I didn’t find your company first off and feed her your Grain Free Product from the moment I got her. In the 10-12 days I’ve been bringing her onto your food she is glowing, and the changes in her behaviour have been incredible. The best way to describe it for me is, she used to be like a child with ADD, all run and energy, but with a limited attention span. Now she still has endless energy but she’s using that incredible brain of hers, waiting and responding not just go go go. It’s like before she was on a sugar rush whereas now she’s getting a more sustainable energy flow and boy is she blossoming.
We had a break from obedience training over Christmas, starting up again yesterday, when I walked in with Matilda the instructors faced just dropped, she said before she was a happy gorgeous little lady, trying so hard to please the world, but now she’s a stunning healthy machine just waiting for the chance to take on the world!! Bit dramatic I know but she’s passionate about dogs and their wellbeing so you can’t fault her for that!! Anyway I just wanted to let you know I’m very happy with your product and have been recommending it to anyone who asks, and if Matilda could talk she’d say the same. You’ve given me the chance to get the best out of my dog and that’s all I ever want, so a massive thank you.”
-Liz Jarvis, Acacia Ridge, Qld
“So we are now on the second bag – and our girls couldn’t be happier. Lots more energy, better poops (and less!), great eyes, improving weight (from fatties!!) and lovely shiny coats. I feel so bad for having treated them so badly with previous foods. Never again!
And I have to thank Robert for the great advice on an overall feeding strategy. It has been sound advice – they looove Stay Loyal, get enormously excited when the bones come out one or two times a week and cope with the “miss a meal” once a week.
So thank you Robert and David for having the passion to create Stay Loyal – our girls love you for it. Now if only my wife would enjoy the food I make as much as our girls enjoy Stay Loyal, the world will be perfect.”
-Russ Meacham, Blackheath NSW
Does your dog seem like he or she is losing energy as they grow older? Give our bestselling grain-free dog food a try. Already a loyal fan? Pass this information along to a friend or family member who you think could use it.