Fish oil does what for your dog?

When it comes to our canine companions, we do all we can to make sure they stay healthy. Omega-3 fish oil is known as a supplement that has widespread benefits in humans, but Omega-3 fish oil also has a wide range of health benefits for dogs as well. When it comes to keeping your dog healthy, Omega-3 from fish oil is one of the most important ingredients that can help keep your dog in tip-top shape. There are many ways a dog can benefit from Omega-3 fish oil, which include a healthy skin and coat, reduced inflammation (caused from conditions such as arthritis and allergies), promotion of weight loss, protection against kidney disease, and cancer.
Healthy Heart
Omega-3 from fish oil is crucial for keeping your dog’s heart healthy. A diet rich with Omega-3 fatty acid can help dogs with cardiovascular diseases. When healthy dogs were provided a diet with Omega-3 from fish oil, these dogs had reduced levels of triglycerides. Omega-3 from fish oil can decrease atrial fibrillation, which is a type of heart attack in dogs.
Puppy Health
As a source if DHA, Omega-3 from fish oil can also be beneficial for puppies. Omega-3 from fish oil can have a positive impact on a puppy’s growth and development, which is true even when a puppy is still in the womb. Studies have shown that when a puppy is provided with a diet that is rich in DHA, he or she will have better cognitive function (smarter), memory, coordination, dexterity, and eye functions when compared to puppies that were given a diet low in DHA.
A diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can also help prevent and reduce epilepsy. Epilepsy is very common among dogs. Unfortunately, two out of three dogs that suffer from epilepsy do not respond to treatment with drugs. However, a study concluded that dogs with epilepsy could benefit from taking Omega-3 from fish oil. Furthermore, the same study found seizures were reduced after fifty days of taking Omega-3 fish oil and there was an 85% reduction of seizures after 18 months.
A Healthy Coat
There have been studies that have shown a link between a healthy coat and Omega-3 from fish oil. If you give your dog a diet with plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids, then it will improve the condition of your dog’s skin and coat. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help fight the symptoms that accompany atopic dermatitis, which include itching and red skin.
The Difference Between Omega-3 from Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil
There are many individuals who give their dogs flaxseed oil to promote good health. Although flaxseed oil has benefits, Omega-3 from fish oil is superior to flaxseed for many reasons. Omega-3 fatty acids contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Flaxseed oil is a type of plant oil that does contain higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil, which is in the form of ALA. ALA is inactive and must be converted into EPA and DHA, and a dog’s body is not able to convert ALA to EPA and DHA. So chances are if you give your dog flaxseed oil, then your canine friend is only absorbing ALA and very little of the essential EPA and DHA. Although flaxseed oil can aid in a healthy coat, Omega-3 from fish oil offers your dog far more health benefits.
The Importance of Omega-3 from Fish Oil for Decreased Inflammation
Among the many health benefits Omega-3 from fish oil offers dogs, a primary health benefit is helping reduce inflammation. When a cell is damaged in a dog’s body, the cell releases AA that is metabolized by enzymes. As a result, there is an increase in inflammation. EPA plays an important role in reducing inflammation. When a cell is damaged, EPA is released, which results in the body producing less inflammatory substances. DHA is also a component that reduces inflammation in a dog’s body.
As dogs age, they are susceptible to arthritis, but research has found that EPA is beneficial for reducing the inflammation that accompanies arthritis. Furthermore, Omega-3 from fish oil can also help ease the symptoms that accompany other inflammatory diseases, including colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.
The Importance of Omega-3 from Fish Oil for Cognitive Function
Omega-3 from fish oil is also beneficial for aiding in cognitive function, which is especially true in older dogs. An older dog may develop cognitive dysfunction, which is when a dog’s brain goes through a series of changes that cause a decline in mental abilities that related to thinking, recognition, memory, and behavior. Sadly, 50% of canines over the age of 10 will show one or more symptoms of cognitive dysfunction. An estimated 68% percent of dogs fifteen to sixteen years of age will show one or more signs of cognitive dysfunction. The behavioral changes that accompany cognitive dysfunction can cause a dog to interact differently with humans and other animals, an altered sleep-wake cycle, and a reduced activity level.
The Importance of Omega-3 from Fish Oil and Immune Health
It is crucial that dogs have a strong immune system to stay healthy. Dogs that are given Omega-3 from fish oil have been show to have a higher amount of anti-rabies antibodies after vaccination. There have also been studies that have shown Omega-3 from fish oil can be beneficial for preventing cancer and can help treat dogs with cancer. When the immune system overacts, it can cause autoimmune conditions in dogs, which is why a strong immune system is vital for the health of your dog. Dogs are members of the family, and keeping them healthy is important. Omega-3 from fish oil has many benefits that can keep your dog healthy and happy.
Can I supplement fish oil in my dog’s diet?
When adding fish oil to your dog’s diet be careful not to over supplement. The reason being if your dog has too much omega-3 and not enough omega-6 then you could actually decrease your dog’s immune system. A simple way to look at it is that Omega-3 cools and omega-6 heats. Too much omega-6 and your dog can have inflammatory issues like sore joints and itchy skin. Too much omega-3 and the immune response is suppressed and then things like yeast and bacteria can take over. So it’s a balancing act between the two if you want your dog to be happy and healthy. Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 to omega-6 ratios of 1 to 5 are about optimal to keep dogs immune system balanced.
That’s why we have put fish oil as our omega-3 source and why the omeg-3 to omega-6 ratio is 1 to 5 in Stay Loyal dog food. Ready to give your dog the nutrients they need? Give our bestselling grain-free dog food a try. Already a loyal fan? Please feel free to pass this information along to someone who may need it.